
Croxley Danes School awarded 'Good' judgement at first Ofsted Inspection Posted on: 17/03/2022

Croxley Danes School awarded 'Good' judgement at first Ofsted Inspection

On 25th and 26th January 2022 Croxley Danes School had its first Ofsted Inspection. The school is delighted that Her Majesty’s Inspectors found Croxley Danes to be a  ‘Good’ school. They went on to praise the school and award ‘Good’ judgements for each of the areas they looked at: Quality of education; Behaviour and attitudes; Personal development and Leadership and management.  Headteacher Steve Thompson said “This is a fantastic endorsement of the hard work and achievement of the whole school community. From the school’s inception in 2014 to its opening in 2017 we have worked to provide a quality school for all our staff and students. We were delighted to receive feedback that the school was “warm and welcoming” and “pupils, particularly the oldest, are proud of being part of the school’s journey since it opened for pupils in 2017.” It was also highlighted that “Pupils behave with respect and courtesy towards each other” The inspectors recognised that “leaders and trustees have worked determinedly to build and establish a brand-new school for the local community. From moving between buildings to ensuring that the facilities are fit for purpose, staff and pupils have risen to the challenge. The work has paid off as Croxley Danes’ pupils access a good-quality education and school experience”.  Dr. Valentine, CEO of the Danes Educational Trust commented "I am thrilled with the outcome of this report. The community has a school they can be proud of. Few new schools have had three different sites, built a brand-new school and been through a pandemic and lockdowns within the first five years. I am proud of what has been achieved and I want to thank Steve Thompson and his dedicated, hardworking staff and students for being part of such a successful school community. I want to also thank those pioneering parents who, in the autumn of 2016, wrote Croxley Danes on the secondary transfer form. They trusted us to deliver, and I hope they will celebrate with us now.   
De Havilland Primary School welcomes Baroness Barran Posted on: 1/12/2021

De Havilland Primary School welcomes Baroness Barran

It’s not often a Baroness comes to Hatfield, on Tuesday 30th November De Havilland Primary School was delighted to receive a visit from the Under-Secretary of State for the School System, Baroness Barran. The Baroness toured the school with Sarah King the Headteacher and met children and staff. Sarah King and Baroness Barran discussed the changes to De Havilland’s Building Futures curriculum. The curriculum has been rejuvenated and transformed so that it caters to De Havilland’s children’s needs. It enables the children to become confirmed in core skills like reading, writing and maths but also to explore topics that they might not experience in their everyday lives. The new topics this year explore frozen kingdoms and allow the children to meet inspirational individuals, showing the children a wider world and engaging them with it.  The Baroness was particularly interested in the mental health of children and staff. On the tour she visited The Hanger which is a nurture provision for children to learn in a calm and safe environment and to unpick challenging behaviours to support talking about emotions and to actively support their own wellbeing. The space is part home and part classroom where the children learn and eat together as a family, for some this has helped the transition from homeschooling to school based education. Sarah King said: “I was delighted to share with Baroness Barran the improvement journey our school has been on since joining Danes Educational Trust. In particular the development of our wonderful learning environment and teaching and learning opportunities for all our children.” Following the tour there was time to discuss and the support De Havilland have received since joining Danes Educational Trust, a multi academy trust in October 2020.  The Baroness said the visit was an absolute joy and she invited the children from De Havilland to visit her in Parliament and the House of Lords.
Adaptability, Creativity, Courage... and a smattering of Hope. Posted on: 13/08/2021

Adaptability, Creativity, Courage... and a smattering of Hope.

This year, following the cancellation of exams, Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 qualification grades were awarded through a robust and rigorous process, overseen by Trust and School Senior Leaders, against a national standard and approved and awarded by the exam boards. At the end of what has been an extraordinary week, we are delighted to congratulate all our students on the resilience and character they have shown throughout a difficult and disrupted academic year. Notable achievements have been seen as students from our Danes Educational Trust secondary schools received their GCSE, A Level and Vocational qualification results and we very much trust that they may look forward to exciting opportunities in the future to come. We are immensely proud of them all. Fantastic results include 13 A Level students who each achieved a minimum of 3 A*s. At St Clement Danes School, Oleg Tretieu attained 5 A* grades, Louis Ertl 4 A*s and an A* in his EPQ and Francesca Dann and James Moran 4 A*s each. Meanwhile at Chancellor’s School, Max Lee attained 4 A* grades and Harvey Buhagiar and Sophie Lucas 3 A* grades and an A grade each. Louise Newman from OSA attained Distinction*, Distinction* and A* and will now go on to read Physiotherapy at Leeds Beckett. From Elstree Screen Arts, Iona Godfrey attained Distinction* in Specialist Production Make up, Distinction* in Forensic Science and an A grade in Mathematics A Level, while Sophie Sanderson and Sadie Smith both attained a Distinction* in Music Performance and Distinction* in Music Technology and a Distinction in Level 3 Art and Media UAL respectively. Exceptional progress was also seen including, from Chancellor’s School, Ellie Richards who will read Mathematics at Exeter and from OSA, Luke Hobbs who will read Biology at Nottingham. Students from across our secondary schools will, as ever, be reading the full range of subjects at some of the country’s most prestigious universities including Bristol, Durham, Imperial College, UCL, LSE, Manchester and Edinburgh. From St Clement Danes School, Louis Ertl will study medicine at Sheffield, Katie Bugler will read Law at Cambridge and Ellie Moriuchi English Literature at Oxford. We are equally delighted that at Elstree Screen Arts, a specialist educator in the Creative Arts, Communication and Technology, 100% of Key Stage 5 students are progressing to meaningful destinations as diverse as the Centre of Screen Excellence, Elstree; Eden Project, Cornwall; The Institute of Contemporary Music Performance; Royal Birmingham Conservatoire and Escape Studios to study a range of subjects including Marine and Natural History Photography, Game Design and Development and Costume Construction. Our GCSE and Level 2 students are no less to be congratulated. For their achievement, underpinned by sustained endeavour, the following students should be recognised. Eight Grade 9s and one Grade 8 were attained by Ahmed Hamid at OSA while the results of Janelle Obcena, Ethan Pledge, Georgie Elmer-Roads and Luke Brockwell displayed exceptional Value-Added as a result of their 5 years of education at our Hatfield school. At Chancellor’s School, Joseph Kleiner-Mann attained 11 Grade 9s while 5 students achieved, on average, two and a half grades higher than their target grades: Daniel Wootton, Raina Ramadhin, Liam Hummell, Stanley Young and Keira Hearn. Also deserving of special congratulations are Loren Sloan and Lucca Ndefo from Elstree Screen Arts who each surpassed their target grades, attaining, between them, 18 Grades at 7 to 9. At St Clement Danes School, four students - Isla Smith, Magarishi Chandra, Rishi Patel and Maya Chudasama - each achieved a clean sweep of Grade 9s and Lucy Fairhurst and Cora Pearce each achieved eight Grade 9s and one Grade 8. The grades our students have achieved are a tribute to their own hard work, sustained energy and conscientious approach throughout two years of academic study and the exceptional, intelligent and compassionate support provided by their schools and teachers throughout the pandemic. No less laudable is what our students have shown themselves to be: adaptable, creative and courageous. May their futures be bright always.  