Post-16 Student Leadership Day

Posted on: 22/06/2023

We have been working across the Sixth Forms in Danes Educational Trust to develop the enrichment and engagement opportunities given to our post-16 learners. On Thursday 15 June students from across the Trust came together for the first time to learn more about how to deliver most effectively in the leadership roles they have been elected to or selected for.

Workshop sessions led by The Schools, Students and Teachers Network (SSAT) delivered theory around leadership skills such as communication to a range of stakeholders, realising vision by managing change and close consideration of values and principles – of an individual, of a peer group, of a school and of the extended school community. 

Students were fully engaged in sharing experiences and developing reflective thought around the type of leadership they have enacted to date, and how that might be changed in new roles being undertaken. They were thoughtful and reflective in considering themselves as leaders with influence in their schools and showed drive and commitment to developing their skills as leaders. 

The whole day was filled with a buzz which came from the collaborative approach of all and the energy students brought to the challenges set. It was brilliant to see the effect of bringing together like minded young people - all intent on effecting change for the good of their peers and their schools.

Every school in the trust benefits from these students returning to lead their peers in key areas of school development - student voice; diversity, equality and inclusion; engagement with wider school communities. Leadership skills are key to the futures of success for our young people in all avenues after they leave school. 

This day is one of many such exciting Trust post-16 experiences ahead for our students.

Aisling Ryan

DET Post-16 Lead

Student feedback

It was a very informative session that has given me a lot of courage to move forward with the leadership team using the leadership skills we were taught.  I am also pleased to feedback that we used many of these skills when planning and implementing a meeting this morning, writing an agenda, minutes and making sure we did not speak over each other. – Naomi

The activities have really inspired me to want to make the most out of my time as Head Student. I have learnt lots about being an effective leader and am really excited about getting back into school and turning our plans into action. - Alex

I thoroughly enjoyed the training and feel it gave us the foundations to help us make our ideas for our school culture into a reality. - Hannah

Learning skills for student leadership will help me for all my future in meetings and public speaking. - Danni

It was an eye opening experience that showed some basic techniques which can keep an audience engaged throughout your speech. - Ryan