Lanchester Primary School appoints new headteacher

    Posted on: 02/06/2024

    We are delighted to welcome Matthew Morey who will take up the post of permanent headteacher at Lanchester Primary School in Hempstead Road from September 1 this year.

    Matthew Morey has already started spending one day a week at the school and working with the current executive headteachers Karen Armstrong and Rupinder Bansil to ensure a smooth transition when the new school year begins.

    In an interview with the Watford Observer Matthew told the journalist  “It’s been really a great start,” he said, adding that getting to know the community is his top priority.

    “I have been meeting the teachers, I briefly met the PTA and even managed to buy a cookie as they were selling them when I met them.

    “I’m looking forward to meeting all the people I will be working with.”

    You can read new story and Matthew's interview in the Watford Observer.

    Watford Observer interview

    Watford Observer article